Grit: The Power of Building a Growth Mindset

The Zor Sports Blog
3 min readJun 3, 2021

Developing a growth mindset is crucial to success in every aspect of life. It is the idea that though you may not have a skill, or have not perfected a skill, you can achieve your goals through hard work and perseverance.

There is a stigma among society, and adolescents in particular, that if we are not good at something, we should stay away from it. We don’t want to practice because it is hard and if other people see we can get embarrassed and seem weak.

Changing your way of thinking can be a difficult task, but once you begin to see the difference it can make in your overall success (academics, athletics, etc.), you will be bolstered with the power and confidence to overcome any obstacle.

There are 3 keys to begin developing a growth mindset for your future:

1) Confidence

2) Patience

3) Open-mindedness


It is time to cast away the seeds of doubt. Stop looking at skills as things you are unable to do and start looking at them as things you have yet to master. Start telling yourself that you can and will succeed. It can help to take a step back and reflect on the many skills you already have. Show yourself all the accomplishments you have made already and you will begin to see that you can accomplish any task set before you.


Understand that skills worth mastering will take time. They can develop over days, months, or even years. You need to be patient with yourself and understand that every step is a learning experience. Gain knowledge from each stumble and remember it next attempt. Allowing enough time to master a skill can be difficult but consistently remembering that it will take time, and that is ok, will allow you to succeed and gain the truly satisfying feeling of self accomplishment.


There are people who already have the skill that you are trying to master. Don’t be afraid to take their advice. Knowledge comes from experience and every time you believe that you know what it takes someone will come along with a piece of advice. Always think about it, but keep it in mind and use all of the tips and tricks you have learned from various sources to help build your own strategy and conquer your goals more quickly and efficiently.

When we bring together these strategies, we begin to unlock our “grit”. Grit is the fire that burns deep within us that is crucial to reaching our full potential. It is the voice inside that tells you to never give up. A combination of confidence and perseverance, grit is what kicks in when all else is lost. Whether your mentally or physically drained, grit will get you through to the next level and separates the good from the great.


Dweck, C. (February, 2006) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House

Park, D. (June, 2019) The development of Grit and Growth Mindset During Adolescence. Retrieved from:

Tang, X. (May 2019) Building Grit: The longitudinal pathways between mindset, commitment grit and academic outcomes. Retrieved from:

Image — N.A (n.d) Growth Mindset Quotes: 21 Inspiring quotes on the power of persistence. Retrieved from:



The Zor Sports Blog

Articles featured on the blog range from skills tactics, mindset development, nutrition, sleep and recovery, basketball recruitment and everything in between.